Family Caregivers: Planning for the Future
CourseThis course for family caregivers is an introduction to planning for the future for your loved one and yourself. Topics include life care planning; financial planning; legal tools; and housing considerations.
Family Caregivers: Your Health & Wellbeing
CourseThis course for family caregivers is an overview of your health and wellbeing after you become a caregiver. Brain injury is life-changing for everyone involved, and it's important to take care of yourself as well as loved ones.
Family Caregivers: Introduction to Brain Injury
CourseThis course is designed for family caregivers to provide an introduction to brain injury, its effects, recovery, and more. Learn how brain injury impacts both you and your loved one, and tips/tools for supporting both of you.
Santé et bien-être des proches aidants
CourseCe cours destiné aux proches aidants donne une vue d'ensemble de votre santé et de votre bien-être en tant que soignants familiaux. Il est important de prendre soin de vous-même et de vos proches.
Proches aidants : Introduction aux lésions cérébrales
CourseCe cours est conçu pour les proches aidants afin de leur fournir une introduction aux lésions cérébrales, à leurs effets, à la guérison et plus encore. Apprenez comment les lésions cérébrales vous affectent, vous et votre proche.